A disciple's work is to support whatever Jesus is doing. He's done all the work and we get the joy of telling people the truth of the Good News. We have an opportunity in 2021 to dig deep into this work.
To prepare and equip YOU for this work, we've developed a few avenues for you to take. Bring what you learn on Sundays to the rest of your week by studying, praying, or fasting with your Echo family.
Find resources here, in Next Steps, or Media.
Find resources for your discipleship journey below and let's make 2021 one of the best years yet!
This year for A Disciple's Work, we're focusing on the journey a person takes from growing further from Jesus Christ to growing closer to Him. You might have someone in your life who you want to know Jesus - or maybe you don't even know Jesus yourself and you're just curious - we've gathered some resources below to get you started.
Let them be a starting point for more spiritual conversations about Jesus and what it means to believe in Him.
Looking for ideas to help share your faith?
Read our Winter Group Guide PDF "A Disciple's Work: Pray, Care, Share"
Helpful Gospel Illustrations (Cru.org)
Not a Christian but curious?