Elementary (Children in K-5th grade)

4's & 5's (Children ages 4-5)

2's & 3's (Children ages 2-3)

Nursery (Babies starting at 6 weeks)

eKids is an important part of our mission as we partner with you to lead your kids to  grow in their walk with Christ.  

I’m so thrilled to be able to welcome families into our new classrooms!

eKids programs are available during the second worship service at 11:00 AM


Just like in our church services, we’re taking additional steps to keep our eKids environment safe (and fun) for your family! 


If you have any questions about what to expect, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know. 

- Kendra Knauer, Children's Ministry Director

circlephotobucket  MEET THE TEAM

Kendra Knauer leads Echo's ministries to elementary aged children and oversees our amazing eKids department!  She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education and a Master’s Degree in Special Education.  Prior to joining the team at Echo, Kendra taught elementary students for 12 years in both private and public schools.  

Kendra is married to Phil and is the mom of their two boys who are FULL of personality - Chase and Isaiah. She loves being able to combine her passion for teaching with her desire to walk with children on their faith journey.   In her spare time, she loves to explore new hiking trails with her boys.

Favorite Foods: crab cakes, shrimp, and steak

Favorite Bible character: Esther


circlerightarrow RESOURCES FOR


eKids leader, Kendra Knauer, along with the Early Education teams have gathered together some helpful kids lessons and videos for you to use at home through Right Now Media.

circlerightarrow WATCH FREE


It’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

circleappstorealt DOWNLOADS

Download activity sheets and lessons to follow along with the eKids video library. We update these downloads weekly in our shareable Google Drive folder. Feel free to download, print, and color!